Startseite Projekte Konsortium Kontakt
A. Schwarz, M. Haurilet, M. Martinez, R. Stiefelhagen, “DriveAHead—A Large-Scale Driver Head Pose Dataset”, IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2017
J. Ludwig, C. Gote, M. Flad, S. Hohmann, “Cooperative Dynamic Vehicle Control Allocation using Time-Variant Differential Games”,
International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, 2017
B. Karakaya, L. Kalb. K. Bengler, "Cooperative Approach to Overcome Automation Effects During the Transition Phase of
Automated Vehicles",  12. Uni-DAS e.V. Workshop Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertes Fahren, 26.-28.9.18,
Walting, Deutschland

J. Ludwig,  A. Haas, M. Flad, S. Hohmann, "A Comparison of Concepts for Control Transitions from Automation to Human",
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2018, 7.-10.10.18, Miyazaki, Japan
L. Kalb, L. Streit, K. Bengler, "What Drivers Make of Directional Maneuver Information in a Take-Over Scenario", IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2018, 7.-10.10.18, Miyazaki, Japan
J. Ludwig, Martin, M. Flad, Horne, Voit, Stiefelhagen,S. Hohmann, Driver observation and shared vehicle control: supporting
the driver on the way back into the control loop
", at Automatisierungtechnik, Band 66, Heft 2 (Feb 2018), Special Issue:
Cars become robots